Hi there! Thank you for visiting. My name is Angela, and I created this website to help overwhelmed, anxious women create the space and time for their dreams.
When we are young, dreaming comes easily. “When I grow up, I”m going to be a ballerina!” Or be an an actress, or wrestle crocodiles, or fly to Mars! The ability to imagine wonderful possibilities animates us in childhood.
But over time, real life gets in the way. We get sidetracked by jobs, by homes, by debt, by responsibilities, by children. Maybe we have health issues, or parents who increasingly rely on us, or children with special needs. Our dreams shift and become more pragmatic, until our dreams are downgraded to being the next logical step in our daily grind.
“Maybe if I get the dishes done and the kids go to bed on time, I’ll take a hot bath.”
“Maybe if Joe gets home early, I’ll go get my hair cut.”
The work you do is important. But the creative, imaginative spark in you from childhood was divinely inspired and it deserves to be fed, to be a larger part of your life. Whether you share it with the world, or use it to bring more joy into your life is up to you.
Take a look around, read the blog, download the resources, and use the contact form to let me know how things are going.