Welcome to the 28 Day Dream It Do It Challenge! If you are like most of the women I know, you are busy taking care of everything and everyone except for yourself. Your to-do list is comprised of everyone else's needs, and you have no find time or energy to honor your desire to complete a project ... Read More about 28 Day Dream It Do It Challenge
Overcoming Obstacles to Success – Time
You're like all modern moms -- incredibly busy with a lot to do. You're chauffeuring, volunteering, cleaning, working, cooking, walking dogs. But you also have this project or side hustle that you want to get started. Where are you going to find the time? Here are some hacks to help. The big time ... Read More about Overcoming Obstacles to Success – Time
5 Ways To Find Money For Your Start-up
Most dreams require an investment of some sort to launch, and coming up with cash to pay for that can be a barrier for some people. Here are 5 ideas that may be helpful. 1. SQUEEZE MORE OUT OF WHAT YOU HAVE A few years ago, my husband was abruptly downsized out of his job. With just a small amount ... Read More about 5 Ways To Find Money For Your Start-up
Discover Your Strengths
So there is a gem of a book called, "Now, Discover Your Strengths" by Marcus Buckingham. Apparently 40 years of research has gone into the development of Gallup's list of 34 human strengths and into creating an assessment tool. The creators believed that people have natural strengths, and that time ... Read More about Discover Your Strengths
4 Ways to Balance Work and Life
How can you balance your work responsibilities with your personal responsibilities? It's not easy. And it's kind of a myth, that you can balance them perfectly and consistently. Things will get out of whack, and you'll have to be conscious about realigning your life with your ... Read More about 4 Ways to Balance Work and Life